Friday, July 11, 2008

Stones in the Mutha-F***ing Kidney

That's right all, I've been introduced to the closest thing a man can experience to child-birth.

Damn thing came outta nowhere and I felt like I was being stabbed with a HUGE knife from the inside. Took forever for the ER to get me checked in, but once I got inside they set me up with an IV and some meds, forget what. One was an anti-inflammatory, the other was a pain killer. DEAR GOD it was bliss... Now I know why people abuse pain killers.

So long story short it's apparently a 4mm stone from what i understand. @_@

Still waiting for it to pass I think, but I'm feeling a lot better than I was before, partially because of the pills that they gave me I think...

In other news, taking a class at the County College, College Algebra. Taking it to get it out of the way so that i can take a class more pertinent to my Major when i get back to school. Also thinking that i need to set up a place for my art. dA's fine, but they don't allow depictions of sex, and FA's all fine and dandy, but I've been moving away from Anthro art lately, and i want someplace where i can have a single collective archive of my stuff. which makes me think that i really need to sort through my Art folder at some point. i dunno, try to do that at some point soon, maybe tomorrow.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Summer Begins

well, classes are over for the time being, I'm back In NJ, the wonderful state of farm-lands and petro-chemical refineries. working on making a list of things to do art-wise over the summer, painting, sculpting, drawing, etc. Going to be working on interacting anatomy and poses, and got some sketches that I owe people.

that's about it for now.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Speed paint 1: forrest wurm

trying to get creativity flowing again, and playing with Photoshop CS3. like how it turned out, plan to do more

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Working on a webcomic with some friends, something of a steampunk sci-fi story. One of the main features is the resence of Airships (something like a cross between dirigibles and spaceships). I'll post samples of the art and designs up here when I have them.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring Quarter

New quarter starting up, getting further into my Illustration classes, and also taking World Religions which sounds like it should be interesting. What I would love to take is the Mythology class, but unlikely that I'll be able to get into that until Senior year (very few classes offered for it once or twice a year, so gonna have to be first in line to register for classes in order to get a slot).

Attempting to take Lunar Photographs as the moon goes through the phases night by night, hopefully I'll have enough to be able to create an animated icon.

In any case, I have an 11 am class tomorrow, so off to dream-lands for me

Monday, March 17, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

happy birthday to me

yesterday I turned 20 years old... doesn't feel like it.... next year will be the interesting one to be honest :3

also finished my finals yesterday as well.... now after i give a friend a ride out to the airport, i'm gonna sleep pretty much all day, oh wonderful sleep how i missed thee ^___^

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


well things are looking good.

I'm helping a friend out with artwork for his band, Dreams of Angels. apparently the t-shirts are selling really well, and he managed to land a ridiculously sweet job with a company that's gonna support his band 100%.

in addition, he's told me that i'm gonna be the only artist that they use for their stuff, so that's gonna be really good when their stuff takes off. Also what's good is that i can probably use my illustration classes do do things like cover art for him when the time comes.

well... finals are around the corner and things are going well.

that's all for now

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Febuary 10 - 19

finally got my scanner fixed, so you guys get to see what i've been up to for the past ten days or so

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Feburary 6, 7 & 8

past three days of Codex. some neat stuff...

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

So it begins

First page of the codex, done during my Survey of 20th Century Art class... it was either draw, take notes, or sleep...

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Welcome to the madness

Welcome to my new art-journal. this is an experiment in order to work on drawing more. The plan is to have something new each day. We'll see how it goes.

Welcome to the madness, and watch out for low-flying insanity.